Tuesday, May 26, 2009

'Anubis' by Jason Johnson - Sunday May 24th, 2009

Artist Jason Johnson, visiting from St. Louis, MO
during Memorial Day Weekend.
I called it Grafiti in the Sand-

Monday, May 25, 2009

Jacksonville, Florida, Memorial Day, Neighborhood Fire-Works, Monday, May 25th, 2009

There were already several blasts of fireworks before I decided to set up the camera on the tripod, and start snapping 25 second exposure f22, no flash, tuff focus points, but got this shot on my very first snap of the shutter. The blast did not occur until late(about 20 seconds) into the shutter exposure.

From the backyard...

Then this one a couple minutes later...

Stretched lengthwise.

Backyard View.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Agave Twist

I've been completely fascinated by this Agave Bloom.
During the Heavy rains earlier this week I used the garage as shelter
while I took shome shots of the Agave Plant.

I took this under-exposed shot, used PS-6 to Tweak it.
I'm just learning Photoshop, let alone photography,
so this is completely experimental & accidental.

I feel I'll need to have a post dedicated to the series of
all the best shots of the Agave, eventually. Thrilling prospect, eh?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dancing In The Streets Photos Atlantic Beach - Neptune Beach Town Center 2009

The 23rd annual Dancing In The Streets festival took place Saturday, May 16, 2009, at the Beaches Town Center for Atalntic Beach and Neptune Beach, Florida.

This was my first experience, and if I can help it not my last. The event was well organized, and the music was awesome. The crowd was well behaved, and everybody seemed to have a great time. I got a few shots of Lisa and The Mad Hatters, Dirty Gringos, Little Green Men, Thai Cheese & Str8 Up, and of course the crowd.

Click on Photo

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